How many jobs can a man have you might ask. Well, 2 went down the drain as massive miscommunication but me between a rock and a hard place. Hence the new coaching job at Overhout, which is going great and we just finished a great kick off event before the squash season :)
However, it is not enough to support my living and my squash career. In my squash team in Alphen aan de Rijn is a man who owns 2 of the best gyms in Holland, Fitness 365. One located in Alphen, and one in Amsterdam. After a league match, we talked, and he heard I was looking for a job. He said he had a physiotherapist working in his gym, and this guy was looking for qualified personel.
I later forgot about it, as I for months now have been applying a lot and asking a lot without much success. A few weeks later I get a phonecall from another Jeroen. He is the house physiotherapist at Fitness 365 and looking to expand. We meet up and find a good tone. Turns out, my friend from school Andrea Marcussen is also working here. The more we talk, the more we agree on how we want to do things, and we share a similar passion for the profession and view on the finesses of the trade.
It helped having Andrea already working there so I had an extra assurance about the people and the place.
Contract, some time to think, some things to discuss, 3-2-1 GO! Day 1 patients, day 2 learn the computer system, day 3, welcome to your own clinic, You are now taking over full time. Thank you and goodbye ;)
The gym is a physiotherapists dream. I have physio specific equipment and standard gym equipment from A to Z. segway treadmills, Eccentric driven training machines, and own crossfit area, a qualified staff and a nice atmosphere. I started already with 25 patients, and looking to build on this to expand further. I am the physiotherapist at 365 Alphen aand de Rijn, which is, as mentioned the clinic in the same city as I play league in.
I work closely with chiropractors, as I did in Klinikk for Alle in Stavanger, Norway. This suits me excellent, as I know how well this works. I also have a great team of fitness trainers with various specialties that help send me patients, and take over patients from me when they are well enough. Symbiosis.
Have a look at the Fitness 365 website: Its impressive stuff
Physio30 website:
Oh, and I got myself an appartment in Haarlem with the woman and a cat(!)
Squash? not too good :/ First get life settled. Then whoop ass on court.