Saturday, April 11, 2015

Framboise Gommendy on the alien that is Ramy Ashour

After watching one of the most intense, inspiring matches yesterday, with who I believe to be the greatest squashplayer of all time, Ramy Ashour, I feel like I need to share squash with as many people as possible. People need to know of this sport, and of this player.

What we have witnessed over the last year is nothing less than superhuman. For someone to be injured and recovering 9 months of the year to play 2 of the biggest tournaments of the world, chop the world elite, and win it, with barely breaking a sweat (yes I know the finals were brutal 5 setters, but watch how Ramy moves in the first 2 rallies of the match versus the last 2 rallies of the match. no difference)

I do not know how I can describe what I just saw. So I will leave that to someone who can.

Here is the legend that is Fram. On the legend that is Ramy. The last 6 points.

Watch. Match. SquashTV!!!

picture is property of

Read the full raport from Fram and pictures from Steve Cubbins


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